The boots god has finally answered my prayers and made flat boots in style for this winter.
Now the money god just needs to respond so I can afford these Country Road boots in black.

I L O V E them but I do not L O V E their $329 price tag.
I L O V E them but I do not L O V E their $329 price tag.
The strawberries are also surprisingly thriving, are edible and not even poison.
Lets try again next year and see if this year was just a fluke.
Yay for my epic gardening skills!
I wonder if there's any other places like this left to discover here? hmmm.......
With the new addition of some paper pom poms.
It's a great feeling to have a normal bedroom again!
My room now looks like a complete bomb site and I'm am definitely not a happy camper!
The house is not even two years old yet and I'm super skilled and stood on the carpet nails, I feel the need to sue someone!
It's fairly cool that this place is just across from my house!
Happy new years everyone!!!