It was there that I had my first ever Wendy's Hamburgers encounter!
There drinks are MASSIVE, but probably way tinier than a small will be in America.
Another first - CURLY FRIES
Thank you Denny's for bringing this amazingness to me (I really should stop adding tomato sauce to everything I possibly can, even honey chicken isn't off limits to me is seems)
They had a billion and one photos of their desserts so I found it a legal requirement to get this banana split.
These here are the best invention, frozen yoghurt with your choice of fruit blended through, I always get berry yogurt with blueberries and banana. (It's quite silly that we don't have a New Zealand Natural in Dunedin but they're in the most random as countries)
I finally got to return to La Porchetta and get my fav!
Also from La Porchetta, but sadly looks way way waaaaaaaaaay better than it tasted *sadness*
As proof that I did actually do some other stuff...
I spent far too much money on a Nars foundation and this Mecca Cosmetica nail polish in Cressida, can't see it amazingly well but it's a charcoaly plum colour, love!
And last but not least I went to the Ron Mueck exhibition.
His sculptures are creepingly realistic
This head and baby are HUGE
Yet these two are mini
Another two giants
And finally more littlelies!