Me and Charli have baking down to a fine science:
I measure and weigh out the ingredients
She gracefully chucks them into the bowl,
does the best mixing you can expect from a three year old,
runs off to play whilst I mix it properly,
comes pack to watch me prepare it for the baking
and returns to marvel at the baked delights as they emerge from the oven
We made snickerdoodles (mainly because they have a cool name) and I'll assume they turned out right since I having nothing to go by for this judging.
And a chocolate loaf cake, which tastes way better than it looks!
Char was pleased with our final creations!
And has on the cutest onsie, I wish you could get onsies with feet for adults here!
Who knew Megan was such a good cook , she makes yummy things and gotten over her fear of the oven, am so proud :)