I started reading Dear John by Nicholas Sparks yesterday and so far enjoying it, even though I'm finding some parts a bit frustrating, I want John and Savannah to stay together!,
The movie for it is coming out next year.
Now don't get me wrong I like Amanda Seyfried but she just doesn't fit the image I had for Savannah (for starters she's meant to be brunette), hopefully my like for her will win me over with her portrayal of Savannah.
And don't even get me started on Channing Tatum as John, I would never ever find him remotely intimidating or 'scary' looking. Way too feminine for my liking (no offense....), blame it on the dancing movie.
Even though I know the book doesn't end how I want it to, I'm looking forward to finishing it and for the movies release.

Now don't get me wrong I like Amanda Seyfried but she just doesn't fit the image I had for Savannah (for starters she's meant to be brunette), hopefully my like for her will win me over with her portrayal of Savannah.
And don't even get me started on Channing Tatum as John, I would never ever find him remotely intimidating or 'scary' looking. Way too feminine for my liking (no offense....), blame it on the dancing movie.

Movies never get the same picture of people as in your head!