Monday, March 14, 2011

notice something

There seems to be a reoccuring theme happening with the shoes I love at the moment, but can you blame?

These shoes are gorge!!!


  1. Hi Megan,
    In the midst of blog surfing I came across your blog and was wondering if you could help me with a project. For my husband and my 5th anniversary, I'm trying to get pictures from as many different states and countries as I can with a person from that location holding a sign that says
    Janae loves Jeff in ____________

    I don't have any from New Zealand yet and I was wondering if you would do a picture for me?

    my blog:
    flickr group for this project:

  2. Hi Megan,
    Thanks for being so willing to help!
    You're welcome to either email it to me or upload it to the flickr group, whatever works best for you!
    I don't need the pictures until the end of April, so if the weather is bad don't worry, you can take it next week :)
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    Thanks again for helping out!!
    Janae (janaepalmer{at}gmail{dot}com)

  3. Oh my gosh they totally are! :)
    I love the color too!


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