Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Over the weekend I read the first omnibus of The Vampire Diaries.
I must of liked it cause I managed to read the majority of it in one day, but I felt some parts just happened and weren't really explained. Granted this could just be because I'm not the smartest person around and have the ability to read things without actually noticing what it says!
On a good note I kinda liked Stefan! Ideally I would of liked to go straight onto the second half of the series but it's apparently one of the very few books that people in Dunedin want to read, so I'm 2 of 3 on the holds list at the library!
I'm hoping it's one of those series that clicks together once you've finished it and that I'm not just completely stupid!
Either way I'd still recommend because the down side is probably the latter and my doing!I'm also on the holds list for The Hunger Games!
The only blog I really read is Busy Bee Lauren and she seems to like it so I thought I'd give it a try. I've since seen people raving about it everywhere else so I now have my hopes up about it!
I'm 1 of 5 waiting for it so hopefully I should be getting my hands on it sometime this week, can't wait! Since I learnt from my waiting for the rest of The Vampire Diaries, I tried to be smart and place a hold on Catching Fire, the sequel to Hunger Games, but apparently the Dunedin Library doesn't even have it!
I've asked them to buy it and they've submitted it for 'consideration'.
Maybe by the time I've finished Hunger Games and *crosses fingers* enjoyed it the library would of been smart and bought Catching Fire!
One can only hope.....

So glad I now have reading glasses otherwise my eyes and brain would be hating me soooo much right now, like they were when I read the whole Twilight Saga in just over a day (which was incidently the event that lead to me needing the glasses)

Monday, September 28, 2009

a new lease of life

Currently I'm addicted to all things antique and vintage, thankfully my family has a lot of these and love me enough to give me them!
My lovely mother allowed me use of this cameo and it's now at home at the base of my bedside lamp, it's the first cameo I've seen that's not that horrid orange!Mum also gave me my Grandmas initialed napkin ring, it was slightly black when I discovered but I took it over to Grandads and he made all shiny and pretty for me *happy claps*Grandad gave me the coolest tea pot ever in the history of everything!
It's musical and the two people dance around, so cute!The leather suitcase was my Great Grandfathers (I think), all the equivalent suitcases in antiques stores here are like a bagillion dollars and this one was just sitting in the basement!
Score much?!?!
I have no clue of the origins of the metal hat box but I was looking for one and my uncle had it, it's slightly beat up but looks uber cool and still has it's original key!
The mini suitcase is another acquisition from Grandad and fairly adorable!
I'm about 99% sure the spinning top was my dads from like 96 thousand years ago and the first aid tin was from Grandad, it's full of beads from random pieces of my Grandmas jewellery!This is one of my very few antique store buys, it was only $10!
I'm in love with the antique store in Queens Garden but most of the stuff is either massive and/or 10 years worth of money so was as pleased as a pleased thing when I found this! Grandad also gave me this pocket watch which was his sisters (maybe, or not), it's some high caret amount of gold with a really, really long chain!
I plan on wearing it in summer with dresses!
Shall look super cute!Also from Grandad and originally owned by who knows (think he told me but I don't listen/remember that well) is this lovely necklace
I heart anything with pearls! Yet another from Grandad, although I don't wear broaches I couldn't resist when he offered it to me!
I have a bracelet (also acquired from him) that matches it perfectly!
I'm sure I'll find a way to wear a broach someday!And now my favourite piece of jewellery from Grandad!
He gave these pearls to my Grandma on their wedding day and it still has the accompanying note with them, awwwwww!
Too cute!

I should probably stop taking all my Grandads belongings that I like but they're so pretty...... and I've taken all the pretty things my parents have!
Now I just need to hope Dunedin gets some better antique stores, all things antique and vintage are sooooo much prettier and quirky than what they sell now days!

I was so meant to live in the 50's (minus the whole technology thing)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

new additions

After my poor apothecary jar was just sitting there looking lonely and empty I finally did some with it to help it reach its full potential!
I dismantled a bunch of silk peonies to full the jar and it now looks mighty swell!
Sorry Charli baby the jar covers you gorgeously gorgeous face but I'll try rearrange my stuff!I finally finished my pillow after having a few altercations with the sewing machine!
I gave it a good talking to and a friendly wee hit or two and it then behaved agreeably!
And the sewing of the domes drew a bit of blood and caused some tedious boredom!
But the result was worth it, I am sure fond of this fabric!Me and mum named this wee guy Edwin!
Thank you mumma for buying him for me, I loves you!
Totally the coolest ring, adorable much!I got another one of my favourite pink nail polish so I'm a happy chappy again.
The only other good pinks I could find were $15 more so I'm willing to stick with this one that doesn't live very long!
My nails very cheerful yayMum and Charli made a highchair for Charli's baby!
The best cardboard box highchair I have ever seen!
Charli you're posing so pretty with baby

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Today my dvd of Delta Goodrem Believe Again arrived *excited dance*
Been waiting basically the last 27 years for it! (ignore the fact I'm not that old k?!?)
I'm kind of in love with it!
I went to two of the concerts at the beginning of the year in Melbourne and that seems like forever ago so it was very yayness to watch it again!
For those of you that aren't aware of Delta and her greatness, look her up!
Pretty sure you will heart her more than something...... you heart!

Before and after the concerts I fine tuned my elite stalking skills and managed to meet Delta!

Me and Delta are total bff's now and like this *crosses fingers*! (she just doesn't know it)

Monday, September 21, 2009


Despite my strong dislike of Dunedin I kind of love it.
This may be because it's the only place I've lived or because it has its moments of being fairly pretty!
One of my favourite places here is The Buddhas (also known officially as Signal Hill Lookout) it has one of the best views without having to drive 10 minutes up a dirt road.
You can see the harbour, the ocean and the whole city from here, if there wasn't a hill the way you'd also be able to see my house!The Octagon can be occasionally pretty too, just stick to the top half that's not all bars and has the some cool architecture!
I'm pretty sure we have some of the most amazing skies ever!
It's always such an array of bold, beautiful colours!The fact the we're surrounded by beaches is a plus too!
I don't think I could even count the amount of beaches I'm within 20 minutes of, all the beaches have proper waves too unlike some other places *cough* Melbourne *cough*.....And have more than just the usual oceany animals, like this massive seal that had a slight anger issue and cuteness penguins!

Even though I sometimes want to escape here Dunedin will always be my home!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Yesterday I entered a competition to win a trip to Disneyland and I am determined I am going to win!
I have this almost obsession with Disneyland cause I'm cool like that and all!
Everything about it is so happy and cheerful, the whole world should be like Disneyland in my humble opinion!
It completely pwns!
I really really really want to go back, last time I was there I was five, I won that trip so I'm going to win this one too! I hearts Minnie Mouse!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Dear hair

Please stop being so flat, it would be greatly appreciated!
If not you will continue to be tortured by the straightener, take this as a friendly warning.

Yours sincerely

a day with charli

Last week me and Charli began our gardening journey, we planted strawberries and a variety of flowers that I had from ages ago!
I don't have high hopes for our flowers (Charli didn't like following the instructions for planting them) but I successfully grew strawberries when I was like 11 so I figured I should still be capable of doing so now!
Here's Charli Farley and giraffe posing with our epically epic garden!She tried to feed the plants grass but they didn't really take to that so she went onto giraffe!
Giraffe had an amazing grass meal!Who needs to drink out of a glass when you can use a spray bottle?!?
She's lucky she's a cute face.Earlier on we made gingerbread men! (technically I just made the mixture then gave up and left the cutting out up to mum and Char)
Witness the beginning of the icing (which mum also did)Since Charli is apparently really smart already she wanted to make green icing using blue and yellow food colouring, not the simple already green food colouring!
What three year old knows which colours make up what?!? The gingerbread men kind of spread a little and became mildly deformed, but Charli decorated them amazingly anyway!Charli and her beautiful creation!The finished product!

I'm more of a fan of baking cakes not biscuits so I only completed the first few steps with Charli, but go me for being there to document it!

She is tiring, but oh so adorable!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

another quick note

JONAS is hilarious!
I heart the Disney Channel!
Sonny With A Chance Up Next!

just a few quick notes

-To the girls of Dunedin opaque tights do not count as pants!
Wearing a slightly longer than normal t-shirt with them does not make them so either!
When getting dressed in the morning do you not look in the mirror and realise they are totally see through?!?

Take note: these.......
Do not equal pants!

-Dear deodorant I bought today that was impossible to use and faulty, you are a stupid face, I do not like you and you are totally not my friend!
I would like my refund now thanks k?!?
-Kayne West is the utlimate self obsessed bully, he really needs to get over himself!
Go away please =D
(he probably smells funny too, just saying....)

On a good note blueberry toaster waffles are way yum, I have a Starburst fruity punch lollypop that is green and I'm just about to watch Gossip Girl so yay!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

a good laugh

There's a new shop (well really just new to my visiting it) and it sells the most random cheap but 'will charge you lots' junk!
I had to subtly take photos whilst walking around and making fun of everything!
Like their fail Transformers toys!
The movie I saw was Revenge Of The Fallen not Allen! And fail Little Mermaid which I'm gonna assume is in Russian, but then again I'm not too good at the whole other languages thing.I couldn't figure out who in the world would buy these wonderfully over priced 'animal beanies'
(until I worked at Charli's day care and saw they had a tiger one)
Those plastic heads look so swish *cough*And I must admit I kinda want one of the West Side hats, cause that's how I roll and all, but they're charging more than a dollar for them!

I give this glorious shop until new years!

Monday, September 14, 2009

the end of an era

My favourite pink nail polish died!
Not a happy Megan hmph

Sunday, September 13, 2009

new moon and the beach

My New Moon t-shirt arrived yesterday!
And Pocket Edward approves but wants Jacob to take a few more steps away from Bella!Then today I went to the beach!
Although it's one of the more grotty beaches here, it wasn't too bad but I only had my old school brick camera to take photos how sadness! This was inside a baby sized cave and smelt like gross seaweed!
My lovely new dress from Mod Cloth made the outing too, go the stylish pink toe nails!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

mr bug

So I'm apparently like five years old and play with bugs!
I found this weird critter on a rock in the backyard, thought it was strange looking and took it inside to put under a cup!
Once I started to harass it with my camera, it turns out the thing can fly too!

It flew out the door, never to be seen again!

Bye Mr Bug

pst it's 09/09/09!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

a street light and the moon

Last night instead of sleeping I thought it would be a better idea to go outside in my stylish pj's and take some photos. Really glad I did because I finally figured out the right settings on my camera to take photos of the moon and for it to appear as more than just a giant white blob!

The setting also worked a treat on the street light!

The moon was behind the street light so I made a pairing of the two.

Midnight is now the new best time to take photos!