There's a new shop (well really just new to my visiting it) and it sells the most random cheap but 'will charge you lots' junk!
I had to subtly take photos whilst walking around and making fun of everything!
Like their fail Transformers toys!
The movie I saw was Revenge Of The Fallen not Allen!
And fail Little Mermaid which I'm gonna assume is in Russian, but then again I'm not too good at the whole other languages thing.
I couldn't figure out who in the world would buy these wonderfully over priced 'animal beanies'
(until I worked at Charli's day care and saw they had a tiger one)
Those plastic heads look so swish *cough*
And I must admit I kinda want one of the West Side hats, cause that's how I roll and all, but they're charging more than a dollar for them!
I give this glorious shop until new years!
Lol I saw a guy in a panda head hat!