-To the girls of Dunedin opaque tights do not count as pants!
Wearing a slightly longer than normal t-shirt with them does not make them so either!
When getting dressed in the morning do you not look in the mirror and realise they are totally see through?!?
Take note: these.......

Do not equal pants!
-Dear deodorant I bought today that was impossible to use and faulty, you are a stupid face, I do not like you and you are totally not my friend!
I would like my refund now thanks k?!?
-Kayne West is the utlimate self obsessed bully, he really needs to get over himself!
Go away please =D
(he probably smells funny too, just saying....)
On a good note blueberry toaster waffles are way yum, I have a Starburst fruity punch lollypop that is green and I'm just about to watch Gossip Girl so yay!
I like wearing pants!