Last week me and Charli began our gardening journey, we planted strawberries and a variety of flowers that I had from ages ago!
I don't have high hopes for our flowers (Charli didn't like following the instructions for planting them) but I successfully grew strawberries when I was like 11 so I figured I should still be capable of doing so now!
Here's Charli Farley and giraffe posing with our epically epic garden!
She tried to feed the plants grass but they didn't really take to that so she went onto giraffe!
Giraffe had an amazing grass meal!
Who needs to drink out of a glass when you can use a spray bottle?!?
She's lucky she's a cute face.
Earlier on we made gingerbread men! (technically I just made the mixture then gave up and left the cutting out up to mum and Char)
Witness the beginning of the icing (which mum also did)
Since Charli is apparently really smart already she wanted to make green icing using blue and yellow food colouring, not the simple already green food colouring!
What three year old knows which colours make up what?!?
The gingerbread men kind of spread a little and became mildly deformed, but Charli decorated them amazingly anyway!
Charli and her beautiful creation!
The finished product!
I'm more of a fan of baking cakes not biscuits so I only completed the first few steps with Charli, but go me for being there to document it!
She is tiring, but oh so adorable!
That's a mean gingerbread man, i want one!!