Despite my strong dislike of Dunedin I kind of love it.
This may be because it's the only place I've lived or because it has its moments of being fairly pretty!
One of my favourite places here is The Buddhas (also known officially as Signal Hill Lookout) it has one of the best views without having to drive 10 minutes up a dirt road.
You can see the harbour, the ocean and the whole city from here, if there wasn't a hill the way you'd also be able to see my house!
The Octagon can be occasionally pretty too, just stick to the top half that's not all bars and has the some cool architecture!
I'm pretty sure we have some of the most amazing skies ever!
It's always such an array of bold, beautiful colours!
The fact the we're surrounded by beaches is a plus too!

I don't think I could even count the amount of beaches I'm within 20 minutes of, all the beaches have proper waves too unlike some other places *cough* Melbourne *cough*.....
And have more than just the usual oceany animals, like this massive seal that had a slight anger issue and cuteness penguins!
Even though I sometimes want to escape here Dunedin will always be my home!
Awh, I love Dunedin too dispite also disliking it a bit haha