Tuesday, March 30, 2010

past tense

I have returned.......again, but this time I bring cupcakes!
My Wilton Dessert Decorator arrived, giving me the perfect excuse to make the bestest ever Banana Cupcakes with Honey-Cinnamon Frosting! Since decorating is normally my biggest let down when it comes to baking, this genius piece machinery has revolutionised these cupcakes.
But something even more super exciting also arrived last week!!!
My Diana F+ Deluxe Kit!!! Oh how I L O V E it,but oh how it confused me!

I think I now have some more understanding of it, but I have a feeling I'm going to go through a few rolls of film just practicing with each combination of lenses, flashes and settings.

It totes pwns digital!

True story!


  1. Love that photo of Megan in her natural state !

  2. ooh, I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT! although, that does look seriously confusing... but fun!


if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all