Saturday, November 21, 2009


Because I lack this wee thing called a life I started Catching Fire last night and finished at 4am this morning!
I started off with the intention of going to sleep before the sun began to rise again but the book just wouldn't let me. At 12:14am I told myself one more chapter then I'll stop but no each chapter ends with its own little cliff hanger so I had to go onto the next, this dilemma continued until there were only 4 chapters left and I decided to stop lying to myself and admit I would finish it. I couldn't predict any of the things that happened and everything just kept happening so really I had no choice!
But this epic solution ended in the ultimate conundrum, the next book isn't released until next year, argh what am I going to do?!?!
This is the reason I don't normally a read series until its finished, I need to know what happens. Is Peeta ok? Is Prim and her mum? What happened to district 12? What is up with district 13?
So many questions, so little answers until the next book!

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea where you got this reading bug.......


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